
Witchraft, Sorciers, Strega, Brujas, Hexenzauber, Love Spells
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DE-HEXEN VOLLMOND KALENDER. 3 Hexen Monde und ihre Entsprechungen Link:
EN-Witches Full Moon Calendar.
13 Witch Moons and their Correspondences Link:
FR-Calendrier de pleine lune des Sorcières.
13 Lunes de Sorcières et leurs correspondances Lien:
IT-Calendario della Luna Piena delle Streghe.
13 Lune delle Streghe e le loro corrispondenze Link:
ES-Calendario de Luna Llena de Brujas.
13 lunas brujas y sus correspondencias Enlace:
EN-witches welcome, Voodoo love spells Video, Link:
FR-Sorciere Bonjour, Voodoo love spells Video, Lien:
IT-Strega italiano Ciao, Voodoo love spells Video, Link:
ES-Brujas negras Hola, Voodoo love spells Video, Link:
DE-Hexen willkommen, Voodoo love spells Video Link:
DE-Willkommen Hexenschwestern, Die besten Liebeszauber,
die funktionieren Witchtok, Link:
EN-Welcome Witches Sisters. Best love spells that work
Witchtok, Link:
FR-Bienvenue soeurs Sorcieres. Les meilleurs sorts d amour
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ES-Bienvenidas hermanas Brujas, Los mejores hechizos de amor que funcionan Witchtok, Link:
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hexenzauber, witchcraft spells, sorcieres conjurer, wiccan, magic of brighid,
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Espaniol Bienvenido Brujas a Brighid. Link:
Welcome all Pagans and Witches by BRIGHID,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpQS2JRRslo Hexenmagie.org
Autre traduction de Language Jahreskreisfeste.de
About: Witchcraftspells, Hexenzauber, Sorciere, Strega, Brujas, Super full moon full moon fire witches night love spells Link:
Sabbat de Sorciere Witches Sabbath Hexenfeste.DE.EN.FR.IT.Link:
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How does magic work ?
They read these pages because
they want to know something about everyday magic,
because they give their lives a turning point,
Or fate a little. This is a good thing,
because everyone is actually a lucky blacksmith.
Some people can be thrown back and forth from the waves of life,
Licking their wounds, and wait anxiously,
What happens next, because you can not do anything, it is destiny.
False thought, you can very well the pull around,
When the horse gallops in a different direction than the desired one.
More at Link: http://jahreskreisfeste.de/magie.html
Comment fonctionne la magie?
Ils lisent ces pages parce qu'ils veulent savoir
quelque chose sur la magie du monde, car ils donnent à leur vie un tournant,
Ou bien se passer un peu. C'est une bonne chose,
car tout le monde est en fait un forgeron chanceux.
Certaines personnes peuvent être jetées en va-et-vient des vagues de la vie,
Léchant leurs plaies et attendent avec anxiété,
Ce qui se passe ensuite, parce que vous ne pouvez rien faire, c'est le destin.
Faux pensée, vous pouvez très bien vous entraîner,
Lorsque le cheval galop dans une direction différente de celle souhaitée.
Plus au lien: http://jahreskreisfeste.de/magie.html
Bienvenido Brujas a Brighid.
Enlace de información del servicio especial
para nuevos clientes españoles
Magia de aceites mágicos naturales de Magic of Brighid Link:
Es- Brujeras, Bruxas Hechizo, Aceites Mágicos Naturales, Link:
-Witch rituals Sabbath de Sorciere-
Yule witches rituals
winter Solstice (Italia witch Befana) Link:
Imbolc Witches Rituals
Brighid Goddess Link:
Ostara witches rituals
March 21st Springtime equinox Link:
Beltane witches rituals
Moon Festival April 30 to May 1 (Walpurgisnight) Link:
Litha witches rituals
June 21st Summer Solstice (Kupala Russia) Link:
Lughnasad Lammas witches rituals
31 July to 1 August harvest Festival (grain king) Link:
Mabon witches rituals
September 21st harvest Festival ( Thanksgiving ) Link:
Samhain witches rituals
October 31 to November 1 commemoration of the dead Link:
Halloween Partys Link:
Witches Calendar, Sorcières Calendrier,
Streghe Calendario, Hexenkalender. Link:
Welcome to )O( Brighid )O(
Pagan witches for over 30,000 years
on the Swabian Alb and England.
That is and was our watch religion
until modern times (;))
The shamans of the Swabian Jura
Aurignacian culture (45,000 to 30,000 BC)
Mr. Nicholas Conard,
the caves practiced shamanism. Link:
People invented art, music and religion on the
Swabian Alb 40,000 years ago. Link:
Magic thinking is as old as mankind itself,
my scientist today.
In the approximately 2,000 year old writings of Hermes Trimegistos,
the "Bible" of the alchemists, it is about eternal life.
Like the "Philosopher's Stone"
inspired people's imaginations for centuries,
led the fear of evil magic
burns to a thousand times witches
in Europe plagued by epidemics and wars.
The time of the failure is history today.
More in the video English / German......
Witchcraft Museum Boscastle UK
Hexenmuseum in England Link:
More magic info
Link: http://jahreskreisfeste.de/magie.html
Other Link: / weitere Links:
Mythology Google Kalender Video Info
About Brighid
Wordpress Blog

Welcome to Brighid
let yourself be seduced
into a magical world of old myths and fairy tales.
The wheel of the year also called witches sabbate
are 8 evenly distributed stations in the cycle,
that the sun traverses in a year.
They are divided into four solistic suns
and four moon festivals. Link:
Click on the audio player
Cliquez sur le lecteur audio
Klicke auf die Audio Player
Witches Black Cat Story Rusian Baba Yaga
welcome Witches sisters Greetings
More in the video ....
You are welcome to distribute the video
or integrate into your website.
Thanks also for your Like it (:))
for the very time consuming video animations.
Be blessed by Brighid
Witches Black Cat Story Rusian Baba Yaga

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The current phase of the moon and sun phase
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About BRIGHID County Germany
Schelklingen-Hütten Info Link:
Brauchtum Info Link:
Venus from the hollow rock shelters
Venus figurine comes from the Upper Palaeolithic culture Of Aurignacia.
By radio carbon dating the Venus was from the Hohlefels
To at least 31,000 and at
most 35,000 14C years,
Which corresponds to a calendar age of 35,000-40,000 years.
Venus Goddess is therefore one
of the oldest exhibits in the world
Of the human body. info Link:
Der Hohle Fels
Can only be visited on the working day after pre-registration from 1 May to 31 October;
In fine weather, the cave is open on Sundays from 2 pm to 5 pm without any guided tours.
In winter it is generally closed to the protection of the wintering bats. info Link:
Events at the Hohle Fels Schelklingen
Hollow Rock Parking Info Link:
Hohle Fels Parkplatz Info Link:
Carneval- Narrenbaumstellen Info Link:
Carneval- Alemannische Fasnacht Info Link:
Tradition-Funkenfeuer Info Link:
Tradition- Maibaumstellen Info Link:
Blue Spring Cave- Blautopf.
The blue cave system is long.
Measurements are halls and corridors with a total length of 12.6 kilometers.
In short, the film, the "film forge Burkert"
From videos and photos of the
"Working Community Blue Head".
The strip "Dark blue -
the color of the eternal night"
Takes just eleven minutes. Video Link:
Blautopf Informationen Link:
Terra Xpress - Blautopf Video Link:
Small Media 3D Promotion.
If they want, they can take
all the glass candle videos
In their internet shop to the respective
Magic of Brighid
Add a glass candle. Link:
TV Mediathek Tipps Germany France
Hexenfeste Sabbat de Sorciere-
Yule Julfest Hexenfeste Link:
Imbolc Hexenfeste Link:
Ostara Hexenfest 21. Maerz
Frühlings Tag- und Nachtgleiche Link:
Beltane Mondfest 30 April bis 1. Mai Link:
Litha Hexenfest 21. Juni Sommersonnwende
Kupala Link:
Lughnasad Lammas Hexenfest 1. August Schnitterfest Link:
Mabon Hexenfest 21. September Herbst Tag- und Nachtgleiche Link:
Samhain Hexenfest 31 Oktober bis 1. November Totenfest Halloween Link:
Witchcircle Tiktok Link:
Pinterest Witches of Instagram Hexenrituale Link:
Pinterest Hexenrituale: Witch Sabbaths Link:
Hexenrituale Witch Sabbaths Link:
Voodoo Cuba Santeria Link:
ARD Mediathek Gibt es wirklich Hexen? Link:
3Sat Mystery Link:
ARTE Mystery Link:
Phoenix Mystery Link:
Für Jugentliche
ZDF Neo Eine lausige Hexe Link:
Hexe Lilli Link:
Die Hexen sind los.
Arte TV Video Link:
Les sorcières reviennent!
Arte TV Video Link:
Germany and U.K. Pagans
Museumofwitchcraftandmagic.co.uk Link:
Mythology Authors
Silverravenwolf Link:
Scott Cunningham Link:
Zsuzsanna Budapest Link:
Luisa Francia Link:
BRIGHID Book of Shadow Author
Brighid Ebook Download Link:
( Only in German language )
Welcome Witches sisters
You are welcome to distribute the video
or integrate into your website.
Thanks so much for your Like it (:))
for the very time consuming video animations.
Be blessed by Brighid
Bienvenue aux soeurs sorcières
à Brighid
Vous êtes invités à distribuer la vidéo
ou intégrer dans votre site web.
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pour les très longues animations vidéo.
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Grazie anche per il tuo Mi piace (:))
per le animazioni video che richiedono molto tempo.
Sii benedetto a partire dal Brighid
Willkommen Hexenschwestern
Hexenzauber Anleitung Kerzenzauber mit
Magic of Brighid Glaskerzen.
Hexenrituale, Sorcieres, Strega,
Brujas, witchcraft.
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DE-Esoterik Großhandel Willkommen Deutsch Link:
DE-Hexenritual Kerzen Sorcieres Strega Brujas spells Sets Video
Wheel of the Year Candle Solstice Wiccan Videos
Santeria Cuba Voodoo Love spells Playlist Videos
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(la descarga está desactivada por razones de derechos de autor.)
ES-Instrucción en Bruja Junta Oija-board Link:
EN-witches welcome, Voodoo love spells Video, Link:
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IT-Strega italiano Ciao, Voodoo love spells Video, Link:
ES-Brujas negras Hola, Voodoo love spells Video, Link:
DE-Hexen willkommen, Voodoo love spells Video Link:
DE-Willkommen Hexenschwestern, Die besten Liebeszauber,
die funktionieren Witchtok, Link:
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Witchtok, Link:
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Sabbatjahr, Jahreskreisfeste,Witch Initiation,Wicca Spell, Halloween
Hexen, Pagan,Heiden,
Samhain, Yule, Julfest, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasad, Lammas, Mabon,
Ritual, Magie, Witch Sabbath, Esbat Ritual, Sabbatjahr, Jahreskreisfeste, Love Spell,
Paranormal, Witchcraft Spells,Wicca Spells,Witch Spells,Hexen Zauber.
Charmed Spells, Esoterik, Gothic,Initiation,Witchery,Enchantment,
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Sabbatical year circle festivals, Witch initiation, Wicca Spell Halloween
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Ritual, Magic, Witch Sabbath, Esbat ritual Sabbath Year, Financial district festivals, Love Spell,
Paranormal, Witchcraft Spells, Wicca Spells, Witch Spells, witchcraft.
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Wicca, Sorcière, Sorcière, sorcière Sabbat, Esbat rituel,
Sabbatiques festivals de cercle année, sorcière initiation, Wicca sort Halloween
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Rituel, Magic, Sorcière Sabbat, Esbat rituel du sabbat Année, fêtes de quartiers financiers, Love Spell,
Paranormal, sorcellerie des sorts, des sorts Wicca, Sorcière des sorts, la sorcellerie.
Sorts Charmed, New Age, Gothique, initiation, Witchery, Enchantement,
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Discours Wicca, pleine lune, sorcières lois,
Calendrier sorcières, Willow, Hécate, Saint-Jean,
École en ligne pour les sorcières, l'école de magie, de la formation aux sorcières, la formation des sorcières,
Magicien, la sorcellerie, sorcières nature, le travail sorcières de l'énergie,
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Wicca, Strega, Sorcière, Strega Sabbath, Esbat rito,
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Ritual, magia, strega Sabbath, Esbat rituale Sabbath Anno, festival quartiere finanziario, Love Spell,
Paranormale, Witchcraft Spells, Wicca Incantesimi, Strega incantesimi, stregonerie.
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Streghe Coven Forum, magia forum Coven istruzione,
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Streghe iniziazione, mistero, magia rituale, la tradizione di mistero,
Ritual streghe tempio amuleto, pentacolo, tempio rituale,
Wicca discorso, di luna piena, streghe leggi,
Streghe Calendario, Willow, Ecate, di mezza estate,
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Streghe misteri, stregoneria, stregoneria, streghe martello, Paganesimo,
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Solitari, religione naturale, streghe fede, sciamanesimo, Caos Magico, Shaman, Druid